EMRA Spotlight, Simulation Committee

Meet John Peacock

We're pleased to introduce John Peacock, vice chair of the EMRA Simulation Committee, 2020-2021.

John PeacockProgram: McGovern Medical School at UT Houston

Your goal as an EMRA leader: To create useful and readily accessible medical education opportunities for EM residents and medical students.

Why serve as an EMRA leader?
With all the assets and support of such a great organization, the opportunity to make a real difference is there.

Top 3 traits of a great leader:
1. Effective communicator
2. Passion
3. Time management skills

What is the best advice you've ever received?
Good leaders say "yes" a lot. Great leaders know when to say "no."

What is something people don't know about you?
I used to work as a diplomatic security agent!

If I weren't an emergency physician, I would be: Renovating homes on my own HGTV reality show

Favorite life hack for night shifts: Frequent snacking helps pass the time.

Number of apps on my phone: 52

Last non-textbook I read: "Gates of Fire" by Steven Pressfield

What's on your playlist?
'90s alternative all day

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